Community Guidelines

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Last updated January 04, 2024

Alt Tube Info Community Guidelines For Everyone.

What you should do…

  • Respect everyone, we’re all here because we have something in common.
  • Be polite and welcoming to new users. We were all new once.
  • Ask for help and provide assistance to others when possible.
  • Offer constructive criticism or voice a dissenting opinion, but don’t be mean or disrespectful.
  • Feel free to use use Emoji (Emoticons) to convey the tone of your message. 😉
  • Lead by example. Treat others even better than you expect to be treated yourself and the discussions become a better place for everyone.

What you should NOT do…

  • Do not share or ask for links to copyrighted, non-fair use material.
  • Do not share any content outside of this platform (e.g. links, images, text etc.) on your profile or in forum discussions.
  • Trolling, abuse, flaming and/or harassment (e.g. personal attacks, name-calling and/or insulting/ridiculing another user) are uncalled for and will not be tolerated, please Click Here for more Info.. Have discussions based on well-formulated arguments only.
  • Do not post spam** or advertisements either on Alt Tube TV (This Site) or on Alt Tube Info the (Support Site).
  • Double posting is frowned upon. Please edit your first post unless a second post is absolutely necessary.
  • Impersonating another user on either Alt Tube TV or Alt Tube Info by copying their name and/or avatar is strictly forbidden. Just be your charming self.

General site rules: Offensive or distasteful usernames are unnecessary and will either be changed or banned. One account per person is enough. Multiples are unnecessary and will be banned and/or removed. But most importantly; “Be nice or go home!”

[*] Content that might be considered offensive or too sexually explicit within the any of our website’s user base. This includes, but is not limited to: erotic (e.g. nudity, implied sexual acts), excessively violent (e.g. gore, torture), bigoted (irrationally hateful content aimed at, or relating to, a group or individual) and harmful (e.g. those flashing seizure images) content.

[**] Content lacking any purpose or relevance whatsoever; off-topic posts that derail a thread from its original topic.

If you have a Complaint

Please use our Complaints form to submit any concerns.